Sunday, May 23, 2010

itchy bear

when i was young, my dad often referred to me as itchy bear...whenever it was time to hold the bat steady and concentrate on the ball, or become still and focus on learning a new outdoor game...i got itchy. this past week i have sealed my fate as 'itchy bear'...systemic poison ivy is, well, something i might wish on sarah palin. my great hope is that this most recent prescription of steroids was not a rash decision (humor me, i'm itchy) and will clear the itch in 24 hours...until then, i am and remain yours truly...itchy bear. if you see me out tomorrow, don't gawk at my rash (don't worry, i won't touch you), instead distract me with talk of loose men and foundry molds. thank you in advance.

if i'm lucky enough to get to the studio tomorrow, i'm at the most recent piece full force - i can't wait to get my hands back on it. here are a few stories that are unfolding within the piece pictured... a bird emerging from her viscous nest, the mittened hand of a child desperately reaching for greetings and farewells, and a couple of worn corridors to my soul...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

new morning

<-- this is the morning i will choose to wake up to today - i have more in the works at the studio and vow to remember my camera on the way out the door this morning. i will do my best to become one with my computer in order to bring you the most recent updates within my studio, on my children's amazing observations of our world and my erratic thought processes. so here it is, you girls who told me you'd follow if i built it, here's your chance...
